Secure computing

Scientists often need data for their research that is sensitive or has restricted access, for instance, because of privacy, copyright or confidentiality. However, providing access to this data is not easy. On one hand, the data holder must have sufficient confidence that the provided data will not be used outside the research project, while on the other hand, the researcher must still be able to conveniently perform his or her analyses.

To achieve this, ODISSEI provides two ISO 27001 certified Trusted Research Environments (TREs): virtual machines on which the researcher can perform analysis on the sensitive data, but the data cannot leave the environment without explicit approval by the data holder. This leaves the data provider in complete control of the data, facilitating GDPR compliance.

The ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer (OSSC) is the only facility in the world that facilitates supercomputing access to sensitive microdata of Statistics Netherlands (CBS). It runs on the Dutch national supercomputer Snellius and is hosted by SURF. 

Secure ANalysis Environment (SANE) is an off-the-shelf TRE that can be used to facilitate data access between any data provider and researchers. It comes with common analysis software pre-installed, has a private cloud-based infrastructure and runs on SURF Research Cloud (SRC) and SURF Research Access Management (SRAM).

ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer

Secure ANalysis
