Member organisations

ODISSEI member organisations contribute to the development of a sustainable research infrastructure for the social sciences in the Netherlands.

Being a member organisation in ODISSEI offers several benefits. Employees of member organisations are entitled to several forms of compensation, like the grants for Microdata and the LISS panel.

Does your organisation also want to participate in ODISSEI? Please get in touch.

Introduction to ODISSEI presentation

Are you interested in learning more about what ODISSEI can offer to your organisation? The Introduction to ODISSEI presentation will highlight the core facilities and opportunities ODISSEI provides.

The current list was updated on 5 July 2024.

Centerdata is an independent non-profit research institute, located on the campus of Tilburg University (TiU). Answering research questions in the area of people and society has been our mission since 1996.


DANS is the Dutch national centre of expertise and repository for research data. We help researchers make their data available for reuse. This allows researchers to use the data for new research and makes published research verifiable and reproducible. With more than 300,000 datasets and a staff of 60, DANS is one of the leading repositories in Europe.


De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) seeks to safeguard financial stability and sustainable prosperity.


The International Institute of Social History focuses on labour and social movements across the globe over the past five centuries. IISG collaborates with societal groups, provide sustainable access to information, and examine the relationship between work and social inequality.


The Knowledge Institute for Mobility Policy (KiM) provides knowledge for the mobility policy of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW). 


RIVM, the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, works towards a healthy population living in a sustainable, safe and healthy environment. RIVM pursues those goals based on independent scientific research.


CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) was founded in 1945. Research at CPB is carried out on CPB’s own initiative, or at the request of the government, parliament, individual members of parliament, national trade unions or employers’ federations.


PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency is the national institute for strategic policy analysis in the fields of the environment, nature, and spatial planning. PBL contributes to improving the quality of political and administrative decision-making by conducting outlook studies, analyses, and evaluations in which an integrated approach is considered paramount. 


Founded in 2012 as an independent foundation by NWO and SURF, the Netherlands eScience Center is the national centre with the digital skills to create innovative software solutions in academic research. 


Nivel, short for ‘Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research’, is an independent non-profit foundation which contributes to the quality and effectiveness of the Dutch healthcare system.


The Netherlands Institute for Social Research – SCP is a government agency which conducts research into the social aspects of all areas of government policy. The main fields studied are health, welfare, social security, the labour market and education, with a particular focus on the interfaces between these fields. The reports published by SCP are widely used by government, civil servants, local authorities and academics.


NSCR conducts fundamental scientific research into crime and law enforcement. Its research is substantively innovative, methodologically state-of-the-art and contributes to the solution of major societal issues in the field of security and justice.

NSCR operates at the intersection of theory, practice and policy. They focus on traditional and new manifestations of crime, testing existing theories and developing new investigative tools.


NIDI – the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute – is the national demographic institute of the Netherlands. NIDI participates in Population Europe, a partnership and collaborative network of Europe’s leading demographic research centers. NIDI also contributes to the European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD), a joint initiative of European demographic institutes, and many more.


The Open University of the Netherlands (OU) develops, provides and promotes innovative higher distance education of top quality, in collaboration with networks and alliances. As the prime university for lifelong learning, it addresses the wide-ranging learning needs of people during their course of life, plus the need to achieve a considerable increase of the knowledge level of the community at large.


CBS’ statutory task is to compile statistics on a wide range of topics that are important to society and to make the outcomes publicly available. To this end, CBS gathers data from individuals and enterprises. The data gathered is then processed as statistics. CBS uses several methods to gather this data. It carries out surveys among individuals and enterprises. 


SURF is the collaborative organisation for IT in Dutch education and research.
