Dit is de database van projecten die worden ondersteund door de ODISSEI Grants Scheme. Deze regeling omvat ondersteuning voor het werken met de CBS Microdata via de Microdata Access Grant (MAG) en het LISS panel via de LISS panel Grant.
LISS panel
Improving Diagnosis of Memory Decline by assessing the effects of Age, Education and Socio-Economic Status on Forgetting
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Smartphone Use and Smartphone Addiction in the Netherlands: Attitudes towards Interventions
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Do you think I should work part-time? The role of personal preferences and societal expectations surrounding part-time work in the Netherlands
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Drawing the Line: An Experimental Study on Tolerance and the Limits of Religious Expression in the Netherlands
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Code red, orange, or maybe yellow? Navigating the storm of precision and uncertainty in the public understanding of severe weather warnings
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Network determinants of upward socio-economic mobility in the Netherlands
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Modelling of school choice and school segregation: data-driven agent-based models
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The Impact of Childcare Policies on Mental Health and Education: Evidence from Subsidy Changes in the Netherlands
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Country-Wide Agent-Based Epidemiological Modeling Using 17 Million Individual-Level Microdata
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Resilience towards Robotization: The Willingness, Opportunity and Ability of Individuals to Prepare for Automation at the Workplace.
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Investigating socio-economic status’s role in the intergenerational transmission of mortality
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Navigating Change: The mental health effects of Dutch student finance reforms
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Navigating Dutch Childcare: The role of social networks for migrants’ childcare knowledge, perceptions, and use
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Does moving matter? Impact of residential relocations on school performance
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The relation between hot weather, greenspace, and active travel behavior – a natural experiment using plausible routes
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Pregnancy loss following an in-utero exposure to job loss: Evidence from Netherlands
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The Societal Benefits and Costs of Paid Paternity Leave: Employer, Worker, and Family Responses
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Childcare, mental health and education – Evidence from childcare subsidy changes in the Netherlands
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Social Networks as Change Agents for Equal Career Opportunities of Dutch PhDs?
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Healthy diversity: do more female managers reduce the likelihood of mental-health related long-term sickness absence among employees?
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Urban Heat Inequality: Empowering Vulnerable Households in Combating Heat Exposure in their Environments
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Probing the causal pathways between police procedural justice and perceptions of police legitimacy using experimental vignettes
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Cognitive strengths and deficits in adverse conditions: A balanced view
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Does incongruence between civil servants’ and citizens’ socioeconomic status negatively affect how citizens relate to civil servants and local governments? A vignette survey experiment
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Gender and Ethnic Differences in Self-presentation Strategies: A Vignette Survey Experiment in Human vs. Automated Recruitment
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Typifying rule-followers and rule-breakers: the effect of greed on rule-compliance
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The Impact of Health Shocks on Inter-vivos Transfers: Implications for Taxes and Public Transfers
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Female entrepreneurs: life cycle trajectories and the effect of maternity leave
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Understanding educational pathways of undocumented children in the Netherlands
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Inclusive democratic decision-making: support for democratic innovations among underrepresented citizens
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Impact of changing macro-conditions on social norms and sustainable health behaviors in the Netherlands
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The division of cognitive labor in the household and its implications for health and labor market outcomes
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Greener than others? Misperceptions about relative pro-environmental engagement and their impact on climate action
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Common Ground or Battleground? Public Perceptions of Bias in Impartial Institutions
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Knowing it, is loving it? How information provision on the EU influences EU attitudes
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Feeling invisible: Uncovering the most robust predictors of perceived ostracism
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Defining the informed consent needs of patients in radiological healthcare in a video vignette experiment
Lees meerCBS MicrodataMAG
Genetic and environmental determinants of socioeconomic status in the Lifelines cohort
Lees meerCBS MicrodataMAG
The Efficacy of Energy Efficiency: Home Insulation and Residential Gas Use
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Less for more? Family size, child allowances, and child outcomes: Evidence from a Dutch reform
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The influence of regional logics in altering organizational behavior in decentralized states
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Does the lack of collateral prevent the creation and growth of small businesses?
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Breaking the barrier? The effects of the National Program Rotterdam South on educational mobility
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Support and sanctions for social assistance benefits recipients: what are Dutch citizens’ preferences?
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From perceptions to behaviour? Examining knowledge barriers to formal childcare usage among Dutch parents
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How we eat: an inventory of consumption settings and their effect on diet and health
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Valuation uncertainty: Explaining the WTA-WTP gap and their lack of correlation
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Households’ consumption and time use behavior before and after the Covid19-pandemic
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Poor benefits. The role of financial stress in the non-take-up of social welfare
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Determinants of Civic versus Economic Outcomes of Dutch Secondary Education
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The effect of mergers on market power: large scale evidence from the Netherlands
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Utilizing a natural experiment to investigate the effect of educational failure on mental health
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Gene-environment interplay in education: the impact of school quality and tracking
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Objective neighbourhood characteristics or perceptions? What is more important in affecting individual outcomes?
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An algorithm a day keeps the doctor away? View of the general population to determine the future path of artificial intelligence in medicine
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‘Caught up in a trap, I can’t walk out’: Examining the relation between financial scarcity, financial decision-making, and social exclusion
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