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  • ESRA Conference

    ESRA Conference

    In July, the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) conference takes place. The ninth conference will be held online on the Fridays of that month. The programme has been published and registration is now open. The conference gives special attention to conducting survey research during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Active Learning in ASReview Explained

    Learn how to use ASReview in this ‘Active Learning in ASReview Explained’ Academy. This workshop gives you a look under the hood of ASReview. For example, how is it possible that machine learning is speeding up my review? This latter workshop has a different focus and builds on the ‘Getting Started with ASReview’ workshop.

  • LISS Call 2021

    LISS Call 2021

    In the LISS Call 2021, researchers affiliated with one of the ODISSEI member organisations can apply for free data collection through the LISS panel and for funding for a project that expands the LISS panel data with CBS microdata.  The LISS panel, managed by CentERdata, consists of some 7,500 individuals from approximately 5,000 households. It…

  • ODISSEI – Netherlands eScience Center Call 2021

    ODISSEI – Netherlands eScience Center Call 2021

    The ODISSEI – eScience Call 2021 supports social scientists who want to use digital techniques in their research and need help with this. Researchers can apply for support by Research Software Engineers (RSEs) of the Netherlands eScience Center. This round offers space for six projects of each three months of RSE-time.  Those who wish to…

  • The effects of spatial planning policy: the case of VINEX

    The effects of spatial planning policy: the case of VINEX

    By Trond Husby – Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) There is a heated discussion in Dutch media and policy about the need to construct new dwellings. A vital point of this discussion is where to locate this new residential construction. Some suggest looking to the past, to the last large-scale spatial planning programme in the…

  • Software Carpentry with R workshop – Netherlands eScience Center

    The workshops of the eScience Center aim to help researchers to get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them necessary research computing skills. In this workshop we’ll show you how to automate repetitive and tedious tasks with the power of the command line an how to keep track of…

  • Responsible Open Science – Workshop on the Fundamentals of Research Data Management for Social Scientists

    Responsible Open Science – Workshop on the Fundamentals of Research Data Management for Social Scientists

    In June, ODISSEI, CESSDA-ERIC and DANS organise a workshop on research data management for starting researchers in the social sciences. The workshop will take place on 14 and 17 June, from 10-12 hrs. The workshop will answer questions such as:  What are the benefits of documenting your research in a Data Management Plan? How do you…

  • PDI-SSH 2021 Call for Digital Infrastructure Information Event

    The Platform Digital Infrastructure for Social Sciences & Humanities (PDI-SSH) launched its 2021 Call for Digital Infrastructure. The PDI-SSH organises an information event about the Call procedure and about potential alignment with the already existing infrastructures (ODISSEI, CLARIAH and Health-RI). More information and the registration form for the event can be found here.

  • PDI-SSH 2021 Call Digital Infrastructure

    PDI-SSH 2021 Call Digital Infrastructure

    The Platform Digital Infrastructure for Social Sciences & Humanities (PDI-SSH) launched its 2021 Call for Digital Infrastructure. The SSH Sector Plan of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) has made resources available to further improve the digital infrastructure facilities within the SSH domain.  Digital infrastructure facilities funded in this Call should serve…

  • Online NPSO lezingenmiddag ‘presentatie van onzekerheden in survey onderzoek’

    Op 6 mei 2021 organiseert het Nederland Platform voor Survey Onderzoek (NPSO) een digitale lezingenmiddag over de presentatie van onzekerheden in survey onderzoek. Zie voor meer informatie en het programma de evenementpagina.