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  • The role of protective factors on parental well-being and mental health

    The role of protective factors on parental well-being and mental health

    Project in LISS Call 2018Researcher: Mariëlle Cloin (Tranzo, Tilburg University) Being a parent for many men and women is a joyful yet challenging experience, imposing a unique mix of stress and rewards. Most parents report parenthood as a complex but positive experience. Much research is done on how risk factors, i.e. stressful conditions, effect the…

  • Skype or skip? Motivations, online self-disclosure, and well-being in online medical consultations

    Skype or skip? Motivations, online self-disclosure, and well-being in online medical consultations

    This project was co-financed by ODISSEI in the 2018 LISS call for proposals.Researchers: Nadine Bol and Marjolijn Antheunis, Tilburg University The emergence of digital health provides doctors with new ways to communicate with patients, for example via online applications such as Skype. Patients might balance benefits (such as efficiency) and potential barriers (like privacy costs)…

  • Understanding concerns of using algorithmic decision making systems

    Understanding concerns of using algorithmic decision making systems

    Project in LISS Call 2018Researchers: R. Müller, B. Aysolmaz (Maastricht University) Today, algorithmic decision making (ADM) services, including machine learning and artificial intelligence applications, have become a vital part of our daily lives, while their use causes a continuous debate and tension. Public perception is seen to be the determiner of the progress and future…

  • Will you give us your data? The role of privacy concerns and technological skills for emerging forms of data collection

    Will you give us your data? The role of privacy concerns and technological skills for emerging forms of data collection

    Project in LISS Call 2018Researchers: B. Struminskaya (Utrecht University),  F. Keusch (University of Mannheim & University of Maryland) Presently, a lot of detailed data about individual behaviour is being collected. While data collecting research organisations are concerned with maintaining participants’ anonymity, research participants who are asked to share passively collected data such as GPS location,…

  • Greed, self-interest and socio-economic success

    Greed, self-interest and socio-economic success

    Project in LISS Call 2018Researchers: S. M. Breugelmans (TiU), M. Zeelenberg (TiU), K. Hoyer (TiU) Self-interest and greed are important economic motives that only recently have been studied as individual differences at the psychological level. The extent to which these two motives are distinct as well as related to socioeconomic success is not well understood.…

  • Contents, causes and consequences of political discontent

    Contents, causes and consequences of political discontent

    Project in LISS Call 2018Researchers: Henk van der Kolk (UT), Armen Hakhverdian (UvA), Matthijs Rooduijn (UvA), Andrej Zaslove (RU) Populist parties and politicians are increasingly successful. As a result, scholars increasingly focus on the topic of populism. A promising new strand in the populism literature focuses on measuring populism as an attitude among individual citizens.…

  • Understanding the correlates of appearance-based discrimination

    Understanding the correlates of appearance-based discrimination

    Project in LISS Call 2018Lead researcher: Bastian Jaeger (TiU) Despite their generally poor accuracy, personality impressions based on facial appearance influence a wide range of behaviors, such as criminal sentencing, voting, personnel selection, and social exchange. A possible explanation for this is that people are lay physiognomists: they believe that a person’s character is reflected…

  • KNAW advocates national data officer

    KNAW advocates national data officer

    At the request of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the KNAW wrote the advisory report Hergebruik van publieke data. Meer wetenschap en beter overheidsbeleid (Reuse of public data. More science and better government policy). Yesterday, Pearl Dysktra, head of the committee and scientific director of ODISSEI, handed the report to the Ministry. In…

  • Roadmap proposal submitted

    Roadmap proposal submitted

    ODISSEI has submitted a proposal to the NWO Roadmap Large-scale scientific infrastructure. Requesting €18 million, ODISSEI wants to further develop the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer (OSSC), set up a laboratory for innovations in data collection and analysis, continue to finance and innovate fieldwork, and set up a hub for education and communication. The proposal is assessed by…

  • New Call: Collect data in the LISS panel

    New Call: Collect data in the LISS panel

    After the success of the first call in 2018, this year ODISSEI repeats the call Collect data in the LISS panel. In this call, researchers at one of the ODISSEI member organisations can apply for free data collection through the LISS panel. This panel, managed by CentERdata, consists of some 7,000 individuals from approximately 4,500…