Previous events

13:00 – 14:00

On 17 September 2024, from 13:00-14:00, ODISSEI and CBS will organise an online Q&A session for the Microdata Access Grant 2024-2 call that has opened up this spring.

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until 28 June
09.00 – 17.00
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Group of students in the summer school

From 17 to 28 June 2024, ODISSEI is hosting its third summer school at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, as part of the Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science (SICSS) and the Erasmus Graduate School for Social Sciences and Humanities (EGSH). ODISSEI welcomes applicants from all backgrounds

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Starting January 2024, SANE will be available for use by data providers and researchers. All researchers from various fields and backgrounds are welcome to join the webinar on the 6th of February.

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ODISSEI is hosting an online ODISSEI Portal presentation, which will be held on April 4 (14.00-15.00). The ODISSEI Portal combines metadata from a wide variety of research data repositories into a single interface, including CBS microdata, which facilitate search for the right data for a research pr

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The 2023 Microdata Access Grant call will open in March. Researchers who want to work with microdata and consider applying for the Microdata Access Grant (MAG) are welcome to join the online Information Event that is organised in collaboration with CBS on March 14, 14.00-15.00.

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The January CBS-ODISSEI Microdata Meeting will be a Q&A session, on Thursday January 19th 10.00 till 11.00 AM, with ZVWZORGKOSTEN experts from CBS. Zvwzorgkostentab: Zorgkosten personen basisverzekering ( is often used for basic health information. One difficulty in using this dataset is

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On 1 February 2024 from 14.00 to 15.00 hours, the next ODISSEI Lecture on the preliminary results and data collection of the Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 2023 (Nationaal Kiezersonderzoek 2023, NKO) will take place.

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On 29 February 2024 from 12.00 to 13.00 hours, the next ODISSEI Lecture on ODISSEI Code Library will take place. ODISSEI’s data manager, Angelica Maineri, will talk about building the ODISSEI Code Library and its contribution to open knowledge.

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Group of students in the summer school

From 17 to 28 June, ODISSEI is hosting its third summer school at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, as part of the Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science (SICSS) and the Erasmus Graduate School for Social Sciences and Humanities (EGSH). With the summer school, ODISSEI hopes to bring togeth

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On 19 March 2024 from 15.00 to 16.00 hours, the next ODISSEI Lecture will take place. Luca Henkel will present his work on Linking LISS panel survey data and administrative data to understand households’ stock market participation.

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The participants will learn how to organize their projects, create efficient and legible R (and other) programs, and create data pipelines so that a research project is reproducible and easy to understand. A consultation session where specific questions will be covered is also a part of the workshop

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ODISSEI-SoDa in collaboration with SURF, organises the workshop on Cluster computing for social scientists with R. The workshop takes place at SURF Amsterdam VK1/2, on the 16th of February, from 9.00-17.00 hours. Update: The workshop has been postponed, the new date will be announced soon.

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On the 23rd of April 2024 from 12.00 to 13.00 hours, the next ODISSEI Lecture will take place. Laura Boeschoten, assistant professor at Utrecht University, will talk about digital trace data collection through data donation

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On 23 May, from 13:00-14:00, ODISSEI and Centerdata organise an online information event for the LISS panel Grant call that opens up this spring. Researchers who want to learn more about the LISS panel and the possibilities it offers and are interested in the conditions of this year’s Call are invit

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ODISSEI is hosting The Future of Secure Data Sharing event on the 5th of June, 2024, 09.00-13.30, focusing on legislative implications and innovation opportunities for research following the introduction of the European Data Governance Act and Data Act. The main language will be Dutch and the event

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The group of people in the Q&A session

On 17 September 2024, from 13:00-14:00, ODISSEI and CBS will organise an online Q&A session for the Microdata Access Grant 2024-2 call that has opened up this spring. Researchers who want to learn more about working with microdata and the possibilities the grant offers and are interested in the cond

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On Tuesday 28 February between 12-13 hrs, dr. Irina Lock (University of Amsterdam) will give an online Lunch Lecture on the framing of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in online media images. We warmly invite you to attend this lecture, learn more about the framing of images related to Artificial Intell

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On February 23, from 14.00 to 15.00 hours, the next CBS – ODISSEI Microdata meeting will take place. Lydia Geijtenbeek (Statistics Netherlands) will present her work called Energy Poverty in Figures. You can register here. With the increasing fossil fuel prices and the need to transform our energy s

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 19 January. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects. For more information, see the SoDa page. You can also jo

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From 19 to 30 June, ODISSEI is hosting its second summer school at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, as part of the Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science (SICSS) and the Erasmus Graduate School for Social Sciences and Humanities (EGSH). With the summer school, ODISSEI hopes to bring toget

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 16 February. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects. For more information, see the SoDa page. You can also j

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On 21 March, 2023, SURF and Utrecht University host a seminar on projects, tools and techniques to work with sensitive data in research. The seminar takes place in the University Library of Utrecht University and is free to attend. Read more and register here.

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On March 1 2023, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam organizes a symposium on novel large-scale genetics studies on depression. In the afternoon-filling programme, three large international projects are presented and discussed. The interactive afternoon is concluded with drinks. You can find the programme

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On 7 March the next CBS-ODISSEI Microdata Meeting: Expert Q&A will take place from 11:00 to 12:00. The Q&A, which will focus on the Secmbus-file , is hosted by CBS-experts Koos Arts and Kai Gidding. The Secmbus-file gives an indication of the socio-economic status of individuals over the period 1999

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 17 March. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects.

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ASReview is organizing the next ASReview Q&A Session on 29 March from 14:00-15:00. In Q&A sessions, ASReview briefly introduces some aspects of ASReview LAB, show new developments and you can ask everything about the use of active learning for systematic literature screening. For example, questions

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 17 March. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects.

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On 20 April, the next CBS – ODISSEI Microdata Meeting: Expert Q&A will take place from 9:30 to 10:30. The Q&A, which will focus on the ABR-file, is hosted by CBS-experts. Read more about it and register here.

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On 25 May, from 14.00-15.00, ODISSEI and Centerdata organize an online information event for the LISS panel Grant call that opens up this spring. Researchers who want to learn more about the LISS panel and the possibilities it offers and are interested in the conditions of this year’s Call are invit

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On 16 May, from 14.00 to 15.00 hours, the next CBS – ODISSEI Microdata meeting will take place. Gert Buiten (Statistics Netherlands) will present on exploring supply chain networks with new CBS data. Click here for more information.

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On 9 May, 11:00-12:00, ODISSEI is organizing an information session on how the national infrastructure can support researchers in their upcoming ERC or NWO funding application.

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 15 June. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects.

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ODISSEI is hosting its next live conference in de Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, on 2 November 2023. This conference seeks to bring together a community of computational social scientists to discuss data, methods, infrastructure, ethics and theoretical work related to digital and computational approaches in so

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ODISSEI welcomes proposals for presentations on computational social science to be given at its conference on 2 November 2023 in Utrecht. If you would like to be a part of the conference by presenting your work, submit your abstract in the call for papers here. The deadline is 30 June 2023, 23:59 hr

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On 26 September from 14.00 to 15.00 hours, Germans Savcisens, Ph.D. fellow at the Technical University of Denmark (Section for Cognitive Systems), a member of the Social Complexity Lab and Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science at the University of Copenhagen, will give a lunch lecture on Using S

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On 17 October, the next CBS – ODISSEI Microdata Meeting: Expert Q&A will take place from 10.00 to 11.00 hours. The Q&A, which will focus on the Hoogsteopltab.

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 21 September. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects.

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 19 October. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects.

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 16 November. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects.

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 21 December. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects.

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On 12 December from 14.00 to 15.00 hours, the next ODISSEI Lecture on Benchmarking and its application in fertility research will take place. The more information on the lecture and the speaker will follow.

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The 2024 Microdata Access Grant is open. Researchers who want to work with microdata and consider applying for the Microdata Access Grant (MAG) are welcome to join the online Q&A on November 20, 15.00-16.00.

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 20 January.

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 17 February

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 17 March.

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On 17 February from 12.00 to 13.00 hours, prof. dr. Tom van der Meer will give a Lunch Lecture about the The Dutch Parliamentary Election Study (NKO).

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In this POPNET Connects, Schoch focuses on one-mode projections where one mode serves as the primary mode and the second mode only as a proxy for relations among actors in the primary mode.

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From June 20 to July 1, 2022, ODISSEI will host a Summer Institute in Computational Social Science in the Netherlands.

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Data Carpentry develops and teaches workshops on the fundamental data skills needed to conduct research.

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On 21 April from 12.00 to 13.00 hours, dr. Verena Seibel (Utrecht University) will give a lunch lecture on Knowledge barriers and childcare usage among Dutch parents. This research is based on a study that is conducted with an ODISSEI LISS grant that Seibel and dr. Mara Yerkes have received in 2020

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On 22 March from 12.00 to 13.00 hours, dr. Marco Stam (Leiden University) will give a Lunch Lecture about Research Data Acquisition on Welfare Benefits and Crime. The ODISSEI Lunch Lectures highlight methodological issues and innovations in Social Science. We warmly invite you to attend this lecture

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On Tuesday, 5 April 2022 from 14:00 to 16:00, ODISSEI is organising a Microdata Access Grant Launch Event, where you can also find out more about using CBS Microdata.

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During the first CBS-ODISSEI Microdata Meetings researchers can learn more about working with the ‘A Persons Network (PN)’ microdata file, a data file describing the networks of the whole Dutch population.

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In the Q&A sessions, ASReview briefly introduces some aspects of ASReview LAB, shows new developments and you can ask everything about the use of active learning for systematic literature screening.

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In the Q&A sessions, ASReview briefly introduces some aspects of ASReview LAB, shows new developments and you can ask everything about the use of active learning for systematic literature screening.

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In the Q&A sessions, ASReview briefly introduces some aspects of ASReview LAB, shows new developments and you can ask everything about the use of active learning for systematic literature screening.

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On Tuesday 19 April, from 15.00 to 16.00 hours, Jan Mol will present on the second CBS Microdata Meeting. During this event, Mol will talk about a Statistics Netherlands (CBS) project to calculate socioeconomic status (SES) scores for districts and neighbourhoods in all municipalities in the Netherl

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This talk focuses on the use of integral administrative register data within the social sciences, in particular the Dutch whole population network which contains links between neighbours, household members, family, colleagues and classmates.

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Op 21 April 2022 organiseert het Nederland Platform voor Survey Onderzoek (NPSO) een digitale lezingenmiddag over het meten van sociodemografische kenmerken.

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 21 April.

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 19 May.

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 16 June.

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On Monday 16 May, from 14-15 hrs (CET), Erik-Jan van Kesteren (UU) will present on the ways in which you can deal with the computational limits of the CBS Remote Access environment. He will give an accessible introduction to the variety of ways in which you can programme more efficiently when using

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On 14 June 2022, we will organize an online information event from 13:00 to 15:00. This event will enable interested applicants to get acquainted with the role and expertise of the eScience Center, learn about ODISSEI and their facilities, and of course, obtain information about the specific aims of

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On 2 Juni 2022, from 13:00 to 15:00, ODISSEI and Centerdata are organising an information event during which researchers can learn more about working with the LISS panel. During this afternoon, a variety of speakers will introduce the LISS panel and the possibilities for research with LISS.

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On 1 July, the ASReview Users Meeting will take place, with pre-conference workshops and dinner the day before. 

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On 2 June 2022, from 13:00 to 15:00, ODISSEI and Centerdata are organising an online information event during which researchers can learn more about working with the LISS panel. During this afternoon, a variety of speakers will introduce the LISS panel and the possibilities for research with LISS. T

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On 3 November 2022, ODISSEI will hold its annual conference that seeks to bring together a community of social scientists to discuss data, methods, infrastructure, ethics and theoretical work related to digital and computational approaches in social science research. The conference will feature conf

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On Thursday 13 October between 12-13 hrs, Mark Verhagen (University of Oxford) will give an online Lunch Lecture on his use of Dutch administrative data at Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and machine learning to study the effects of decentralization of government tasks: ‘Using Causal Trees and Registry

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On November 15 from 13.00 to 14.00 hours, dr. Corina Huisman (Statistics Netherlands, CBS) will present Woonbase, a new database made available by CBS. “Who lives where and with whom?” is a central question in research on the housing market. Together with the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Rel

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 20 October. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects.

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This year’s CLARIAH Annual Conference will be organised in close collaboration with the Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed (NDE). Focus will be on the CLARIAH digital humanities infrastructure and its use by researchers and other professionals from the heritage field. You can expect lectures, debates, interac

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On December 15, 12.00-13.00 ODISSEI is organizing an information session on how the national infrastructure can support researchers in their upcoming ERC or NWO funding application. During this session, dr. Kasia Karpinska, ODISSEI Scientific Manager, will sketch the opportunities present at ODISSEI

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 15 December. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects. For more information, see the SoDa page. You can also j

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On Tuesday 9 February 2021 from 12-1 pm, the first ODISSEI Lunch Lecture will take place digitally. Dr. Hannah Roberts (UU) will discuss her recent research on associations between multiple environmental exposures and depressive symptoms in the Netherlands. For this research, Roberts has combined su

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On April 22, ODISSEI hosts an online workshop on CBS microdata and geospatial analysis, organised in collaboration with dr. Marco Helbich and dr. Hannah Roberts (UU). During this afternoon, attendees will learn more about the possibilities of CBS microdata for geospatial analysis. The event will foc

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On 18 February, the ODISSEI Social Data Science Team (SoDa) will showcase their first R package ‘osmenrich’ to enrich existing data with geographic variables of Open Street Map.

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On Tuesday 30 March from 12-13 pm (CET), prof. dr. Rens van de Schoot, professor of statistics at Utrecht University, will present on the open-source tool ASReview, that can help researchers find relevant literature at a much faster pace and increase the quality of their screening process. See the e

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GenPopWeb2 network organises three online workshops (via Zoom). Each workshop focuses on different types of complex measurement: cognition, record linkage consents and occupational coding.

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GenPopWeb2 network organises three online workshops (via Zoom). Each workshop focuses on different types of complex measurement: cognition, record linkage consents and occupational coding.

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GenPopWeb2 network organises three online workshops (via Zoom). Each workshop focuses on different types of complex measurement: cognition, record linkage consents and occupational coding.

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Join the Health-RI conference and find out what the Health-RI communities have to offer and use the networking platform to connect with others within the health data ecosystem. Like previous years, the conference will feature flash talks, a general Health-RI update, and a network session with poster

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The FAIRsFAIR Roadshow is about to visit The Netherlands. In collaboration with LCRDM and DANS FAIRsFAIR brings you a programme with several FAIR elements.

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SURF is organising the national conference around research and ICT: the SURF research week. The 3-day online programme will take place on the afternoons of  13, 14 and 15 April.

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During this information event, a variety of speakers will give an introduction to researchers who want to work with microdata and consider applying for the Microdata Access Grant. The event is also open to researchers who do not wish to apply now, but who want to hear more about working with CBS mic

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During this event, Eveline de Zeeuw, previously assistant professor at the Netherlands Twin Register, will present on ODISSEI and the way she used the ODISSEI secure supercomputer to link and analyse cohort and administrative data. See the event website for more information on the entire programme.

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In recent years, Statistics Netherlands and the Office for National Statistics, together with universities and knowledge institutes, have invested in research and the production of timely statistics. Big data combined with survey and administrative data sources offer new possibilities for creating t

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In this lunch lecture, Chang Sun will present her project on “Knowledge Graph for metadata of CBS Microdata”. Currently, the metadata are only available in Dutch and in PDF format. This  project converts the descriptions of all CBS microdata sets into one knowledge graph with comprehensive metadata

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The SSHOC project announces an interactive webinar aimed at all academics and practitioners from the fields of Sociology, Communication Sciences, Lexicology, Linguistics and Translation Studies, who are interested in international comparable surveys, survey research and methods, and translation of q

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On Thursday, 29 April, prof. dr. Aat Liefbroer (NIDI) and Tim Hanson (City University London) will present the European Social Survey (ESS) and the methodological and technical challenges it currently faces, both internationally and in the Netherlands.

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The ODISSEI Lunch Lecture series highlights innovations in social science.  On Thursday, 29 April from 12:00-13:00 (CEST), prof. dr. Aat Liefbroer (NIDI) and Tim Hanson (City University London) will present the European Social Survey (ESS) and the methodological and technical challenges it currently

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On 20 May, from 13:00 to 15:00 CE(S)T, ODISSEI and CentERdata are organising an information event during which researchers can learn more about working with the LISS panel. During this afternoon, a variety of speakers will introduce the LISS panel and the research opportunities the panel offers. Two

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Op 6 mei 2021 organiseert het Nederland Platform voor Survey Onderzoek (NPSO) een digitale lezingenmiddag over de presentatie van onzekerheden in survey onderzoek. Zie voor meer informatie en het programma de evenementpagina.

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The Platform Digital Infrastructure for Social Sciences & Humanities (PDI-SSH) launched its 2021 Call for Digital Infrastructure. The PDI-SSH organises an information event about the Call procedure and about potential alignment with the already existing infrastructures (ODISSEI, CLARIAH and Heal

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In June, ODISSEI, CESSDA-ERIC and DANS organise a workshop on research data management for starting researchers in the social sciences. The workshop will take place on 14 and 17 June, from 10-12 hrs. See the event page for more information about the programme and registration. — Photo by Arlington

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In June, ODISSEI, CESSDA-ERIC and DANS organise a workshop on research data management for starting researchers in the social sciences. The workshop will take place on 14 and 17 June, from 10-12 hrs. See the event page for more information about the programme and registration. — Photo by Arlington

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The workshops of the eScience Center aim to help researchers to get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them necessary research computing skills. In this workshop we’ll show you how to automate repetitive and tedious tasks with the power of the command line an how to keep tra

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This conference aims to bring SHARE users from multiple disciplines together to discuss ongoing research projects. During the conference scientific presentations will bring you up to date on the current SHARE research. You will learn more about the new data of the SHARE Corona Survey, possibilities

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Learn how to use ASReview for your systematic literature review in this ‘Getting started with ASReview’ Academy. After following this workshop, you should have all the knowledge and skills to start your systematic screening process.

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Learn how to use ASReview in this ‘Active Learning in ASReview Explained’ Academy. This workshop gives you a look under the hood of ASReview. For example, how is it possible that machine learning is speeding up my review? This latter workshop has a different focus and builds on the ‘Getting Started

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The simulation workshop is a special workshop that explains how to use the simulation and benchmark framework in ASReview. Participants learn how to simulate the time they could save based on existing fully labeled systematic reviews.

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In July, the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) conference takes place. The ninth conference will be held online on the Fridays of that month. The programme has been published and registration is now open. The conference gives special attention to conducting survey research during the COVID

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From 28-30 June, the International Conference on ICT enhanced Social Sciences and Humanities 2021 takes place. The conference will be held online and participation is free of charge. See for more information the conference website.

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Join us for the first monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Tuesday, June 22nd. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects. For more information, see the event page.

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Monday, 12 July from 15-16 hrs CEST. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects.

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This online hands-on workshop is aimed at trainers and support staff looking to introduce semi-automated tools in data management training sessions/materials. It will provide a platform for discussion around best practices for introducing researchers to key principles of assessing data quality and c

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Monday, 20 September. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects. For more information, see the event page.

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Wednesday, 20 October. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects. For more information, see the event page.

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Learn how to use ASReview for your systematic literature review in this ‘Getting started with ASReview’ Academy. After following this workshop, you should have all the knowledge and skills to start your systematic screening process.

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Learn how to use ASReview for your systematic literature review in this ‘Getting started with ASReview’ Academy. After following this workshop, you should have all the knowledge and skills to start your systematic screening process.

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Learn how to use ASReview for your systematic literature review in this ‘Getting started with ASReview’ Academy. After following this workshop, you should have all the knowledge and skills to start your systematic screening process.

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Learn how to use ASReview for your systematic literature review in this ‘Getting started with ASReview’ Academy. After following this workshop, you should have all the knowledge and skills to start your systematic screening process.

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Learn how to use ASReview for your systematic literature review in this ‘Getting started with ASReview’ Academy. After following this workshop, you should have all the knowledge and skills to start your systematic screening process.

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Learn how to use ASReview for your systematic literature review in this ‘Getting started with ASReview’ Academy. After following this workshop, you should have all the knowledge and skills to start your systematic screening process.

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Computational Social Science is often used as a buzzword rather than actually signifying a ‘new way’ of doing social science. This lunch lecture aims to cut through the hype to give a working definition of computational social sciences, an overview of recent developments in the field and how ODISSEI

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Computational Social Science is often used as a buzzword rather than actually signifying a ‘new way’ of doing social science. This lunch lecture aims to cut through the hype to give a working definition of computational social sciences, an overview of recent developments in the field and how ODISSEI

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This lunch lecture, Eelke Heemskerk (University of Amsterdam) presents POPNET: Population Scale Network Analysis. POPNET is a novel digital infrastructure and research community with the aim of unlocking longitudinal social network data on the entire population of the Netherlands for academic resear

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The programme of the ODISSEI Community Conference is now available online, including sessions on innovating Computational Social Science research projects, Open Science with Secure Data, and Linkage of Large Datasets in the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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In this talk, POPNET will discuss a set of results aiming to close the uneven distribution of wealth and individual economic capacities through studies relying on various data-driven observations on mobile-phone communication, bank transaction, satellite, online social system and human mobility data

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On Thursday 28 October from 14.30 to 16.30 hours, the Dutch Platform of Survey Research will organise an online seminar about the use of Machine Learning Techniques in Survey Research. The main language of this seminar will be Dutch.

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In light of the recently launched Special Interest Group of Applied Data Science, the ASReview-team is organizing a hackathon! To investigate the communication between multinational oil and gas company Shell and the Dutch government, Follow the Money (FTM) is gathering and scrutinizing many many doc

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Learn how to use ASReview for your systematic literature review in this ‘Getting started with ASReview’ Academy. After following this workshop, you should have all the knowledge and skills to start your systematic screening process.

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Learn how to use ASReview for your systematic literature review in this ‘Getting started with ASReview’ Academy. After following this workshop, you should have all the knowledge and skills to start your systematic screening process.

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Learn how to use ASReview for your systematic literature review in this ‘Getting started with ASReview’ Academy. After following this workshop, you should have all the knowledge and skills to start your systematic screening process.

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On the 8th of December, the Netherlands Platform of Survey Research organises the bi-yearly Innovationday for Dutch and Belgian researchers. Nine researchers will present their work regarding methodology (quantitative and qualitative) for using and/or analysing surveys, Big Data and a variety of sou

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 16 December.

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Join us for the monthly Data Drop-in by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team on Thursday, 20 April. These informal question sessions are a great opportunity to ask all your data-related questions that may come up in research projects. For more information, see the SoDa page. You can also join

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