
Using big data to give children a promising start in life

10 July 2024

One in seven children in the Netherlands is deprived of a healthy life start in life. Routinely collected data on individual’s health and socio-economic factors offer exceptional opportunities to support professionals in prevention and health care, in particular those who work in midwifery, gynaecology and preventive youth health care (Jeugdgezondheidszorg). The aim of this project is to personalize prevention and care from the moment a child is conceived throughout childhood. We will bring novel PYHC data into the Statistics Netherlands (CBS) secure microdata environment and work together with our PYHC partners to assess and improve the quality of these data. Next, we will document how, when, and where the “childhood opportunity gap” opens up in the Netherlands. Finally, we will use information that is available during gestation or in early childhood to predict later childhood outcomes, in order to better target existing preventive actions to children and (future) parents.