
ODISSEI is included in the National Roadmap Large-Scale Research Infrastructure. In 2020, the Dutch Research Council (NWO) awarded ODISSEI with a large Roadmap grant for further development. By developing innovative analytics and presentation tools, and offering world-class, secure and ethical data management facilities, ODISSEI enhances the position of Dutch social scientists as global leaders and enables them to better address the pressing social questions of our time.

Over the past 5 years, ODISSEI has developed various facilities that comprise the infrastructure and has developed many exciting projects across the disciplines. This has resulted in:

  • Financing 623 CBS projects
    to be executed on the CBS Remote Access Environment, many of which were by first-time users
  • Maintaining the LISS panel
    including the execution of 45 LISS Grants which give free time on the panel to Early Career Researchers
  • Creating the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer
    to connect the Secure Environment at CBS with the National Supercomputer at SURF to allow for 16 ground-breaking computationally intensive projects that were previously impossible
  • Building the ODISSEI Portal
    that allows researchers to find data from across ODISSEI
  • Financing the data collection of
    European Social Survey (ESS), the Dutch Parliamentary Election Study (NKO), the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP), the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), the Netherlands Lifecourse Survey (NELLS), the European Value Survey (EVS) and the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP)
  • Creating the Hub
    for research support and education that consists of the ODISSEI SoDa team, SICSS-ODISSEI Summer School, the largest Conference on Computational Social Science in the Netherlands with over 400 attendees annually, and ongoing collaborations across the research and education institutions in the Netherlands

The project is executed from 2020 to 2025 by 16 partners under NWO grant number 184.035.014.