CBS – ODISSEI Microdata Meeting – Woonbase: Who lives where with whom?

13 October 2022

On November 15 from 13.00 to 14.00 hours, dr. Corina Huisman (Statistics Netherlands, CBS) will present Woonbase, a new database made available by CBS. “Who lives where and with whom?” is a central question in research on the housing market. Together with the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Statistics Netherlands developed a database in which data from different sources are combined: the Woonbase. This database makes it possible to study housing market related questions that focus on houses, individuals, households or a combination of these. In her lecture Huisman will give an introduction to Woonbase and explain how researchers can use it. You can register using the button below.

The CBS-ODISSEI Microdata Meetings feature innovative research and methodological developments using CBS microdata, to inform all those who are interested in conducting microdata research.


Photo by Max Böttinger on Unsplash