CBS – ODISSEI Microdata Meetings
The CBS-ODISSEI Microdata Meetings feature innovative research and methodological developments using CBS microdata, to inform all those who are interested in conducting microdata research.
On this page, the powerpoint slides of previous meetings are shared.
To stay informed about upcoming meetings, please sign up for the ODISSEI newsletter or follow us on Twitter.
Previous meetings
- ‘Beyond the limits of the CBS RA environment: efficient programming and the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer‘, Erik-Jan van Kesteren (UU, ODISSEI SoDa Team), 18-5-2022. Abstract and presentation slides.
- ‘Newly available socioeconomic status scores for districts and neighbourhoods‘, Jan Mol (CBS), 19-4-2022. Abstract and presentation slides.
- ‘Navigating complex administrative data‘, Jan van der Laan (CBS) and Tom Emery (ODISSEI), 8-3-2022. Abstract and presentation slides.