Category: CBS Microdata
Unintended births and the motherhood penalty in the Netherlands
The economic position of Dutch women continues to lag behind that of Dutch men and becomes most apparent after parenthood (also referred to as the ‘motherhood penalty’). This project explores if circumstances surrounding the pregnancy influence the economic consequences for women. Specifically, it explores if the motherhood penalty depends on the level to which the…
Hormones at work: The impact of (peri)menopause on women’s careers
The share of middle-aged working women has increased over the past decades. This implies that an increasing number of women experience a major biological transition during their working lives: the menopause. Although most women experience various types of physical and mental discomfort in the years around menopause, we know little about the impact of these…
Pregnancy loss following an in-utero exposure to job loss: Evidence from Netherlands
Pregnancy loss is a public health matter affecting 11 to 21% of clinically detected pregnancies in high-income countries. Along with biological and lifestyle factors, psycho-social sources of stress such as natural disasters, economic downturns and financial instability may put pregnancies at risk. While an exposure to job loss during the gestation might be linked to…
The Societal Benefits and Costs of Paid Paternity Leave: Employer, Worker, and Family Responses
While the economic position of women has improved substantially over the last century, gender inequality remains large in all countries. To further close the gender gap, governments are increasingly incentivizing fathers to take leave from work and spend more time on childcare. Such policies aim to create a more level playing field with mothers in…
Childcare, mental health and education – Evidence from childcare subsidy changes in the Netherlands
In this project we investigate the impact of subsidized childcare on children’s mental health and cognitive development in the Netherlands. Utilizing different administrative data sources, we combine a reduced form approach and a structural dynamic model of child development to improve our understanding of how mental health and cognitive development interact throughout childhood and at…
Social Networks as Change Agents for Equal Career Opportunities of Dutch PhDs?
To what extent and why are some groups more likely to continue their careers outside academia? If PhDs transition into the labor market, how could we explain gender and ethnicity-based differentials in where they end up (e.g., public versus private sector)? What determines inequality in success in academia (e.g., grants) and outside academia (e.g., income)?…
The impacts of adopting new technology: firm- and worker-level evidence
Advancing technologies are increasingly able to automate tasks and even jobs. This raises concerns that new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics will displace workers and lead to increasing inequality. In this project, we exploit a survey on the use of new technologies by firms over the last three decades. This rarely used…
Healthy diversity: do more female managers reduce the likelihood of mental-health related long-term sickness absence among employees?
Despite ongoing discussions about the benefits of women in the leadership of work organisations, there exists little quantifiable evidence to what degree female managers’ presence benefits workers’ well-being. We employ an innovative study design using linked employer-employee longitudinal microdata that overcomes major limitations of surveys in studying work & health (e.g. selection, response, and social…
Measuring Uncertainty Perception in the Health Domain
When people perceive more uncertainty about the risks they face, they may, somewhat counterintuitively, do less in terms of prevention effort. For instance, being unsure about the health risks they face, they may fail to adopt healthy behavior. In this project, we measure people’s uncertainty perception about their health care expenditures and test how personalized…
Cognitive strengths and deficits in adverse conditions: A balanced view
The dominant view in the social sciences is that, on average, exposure to adversity impairs cognitive abilities, such as planning, goal-directed behavior, and self-control. This view, however, is incomplete: people might also develop intact, or even enhanced, abilities for solving challenges in adverse conditions. Understanding these abilities is critical to close achievement gaps in education…