ASReview Academy Workshop (Simulation)

In the ASReview Academy Simulation Workshop is a special workshop that explains how to use the simulation and benchmark framework in ASReview. Participants learn how to simulate the time they could save based on existing fully labeled systematic reviews. This workshop builds on the Beginner and the Advanced workshop.

Anyone who goes through the process of screening large amounts of texts such as scientific abstracts for a systematic review, knows how labor intensive this can be. With the rapidly evolving field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the large amount of manual work can be reduced by software using active learning. By using the open-source tool ASReview you can not only save time, but you can also increase the quality of your screening process. Moreover, you can easily run simulation studies on labelled data testing the performance of many different models.

See for more information the ODISSEI and ASReview collaboration page, or register directly here.

Date 16 December 2021