Zeven projecten ontvangen Microdata Access Grant (MAG) 2024

8 May 2024

De Microdata Access Grant biedt financiering voor onderzoeksprojecten die CBS microdata gebruiken. In reactie op de Call for Proposals in de ronde van 2024 ontvingen we 19 aanvragen. De reviewers in deze ronde waren: Govert Bijwaard (NIDI), Peter Lanjouw (VU), Deni Mazrekaj (UU), Kim Stienstra (EUI).

De volgende zes projecten werden in de 2024 ronde van de Microdata Access Grant toegekend (in alfabetische volgorde).

Navigating Change: The mental health effects of Dutch student finance reforms.
Nursena Aksunger, Titus Galama, Wendy Janssens (VU University Amsterdam, School of Business and Economics)

Does moving matter? Impact of residential relocations on school performance.
Lizbeth Burgos-Ochoa, Felix Clouth (Tilburg University, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioural Sciences), Jeremy Labrecque (Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam)

Hormones at work: The impact of (peri)menopause on women’s careers.
Anne Gielen (Erasmus University Rotterdam, School of Economics), Esmee Zwiers (University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Business)

The relation between hot weather, greenspace, and active travel behavior – a natural experiment using plausible routes.
Maarten Hogeweij, Huub Ploegmakers, Francisco Macedo Filho (Radboud University, Nijmegen School of Management)

Unintended births and the motherhood penalty in the Netherlands.
Judith Koops (NIDI)

Navigating Dutch Childcare: The role of social networks for migrants’ childcare knowledge, perceptions, and use.
Verena Seibel (Utrecht University, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences), Alzbeta Bartova (KU Leuven), Mara Yerkes (Utrecht University, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences), Mehri Zamanbin (Utrecht University)

Investigating socio-economic status’s role in the intergenerational transmission of mortality.
Kristina Thompson, Johan van Ophem (Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen Social Science Group)


Statistics Netherlands (CBS) collects a wide range of data for its statistical tasks, many of them microdata at the level of individual persons or organisations. Protection of the confidentiality of the data has the highest priority for CBS. Within strict safety conditions however, universities and other authorized research institutes can get Remote Access to such data to perform statistical analyses for their own scientific or statistical purposes. The microdata themselves remain strictly within a secure environment within CBS. Under applicable conditions researcher can also bring in additional dataset to be linked with CBS microdata. Before aggregate statistical results are exported from the secured environment, CBS will check whether these results do not contain any risk for disclosure of information on individual persons or organisations.

Read more about using microdata within the CBS Remote Access Environment.


De volgende ronde van de Microdata Access Grant (MAG 2024-2) gaat in het voorjaar van 2024 van start (met de sluitingsdatum in het vroege najaar). Schrijf je in voor onze nieuwsbrief om op de hoogte te blijven van ODISSEI calls en evenementen.

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Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash