LISS panel Grant 2023 bekendmaking

19 December 2023

De LISS panel Grant call biedt financiering van dataverzameling via het LISS panel. In de Call for Proposals van 2023 hebben we 34 aanmeldingen ontvangen. In totaal konden 6 reguliere LISS panelsgrants worden toegekend en twee grants voor een project dat de dataverzameling van het LISS panel combineerde met toegang tot de CBS microdata.

De volgende 8 projecten hebben de LISS panel beurzen van 2023 ontvangen (in alfabetische volgorde en beschreven in het Engels).

Typifying rule-followers and rule-breakers: the effect of greed on rule-compliance
Karlijn Hoyer (University of Amsterdam), Lucas Molleman (University of Amsterdam)

Measuring Uncertainty Perception in the Health Domain
Vahid Moghani (Erasmus University Rotterdam); Aurelien Baillon (Emlyon Business School), Francesco Capozza (WZB). This project is extended with the grant for linking the LISS panel data to CBS microdata.

Urban Heat Inequality: Empowering Vulnerable Households in Combating Heat Exposure in their Environments
Maha Moustafa Habib Abdelraouf (TU Delft); Maarten van Ham (TU Delft); Marjolein van Esch (TU Delft)

Gender and Ethnic Differences in Self-presentation Strategies: A Vignette Survey Experiment in Human vs. Automated Recruitment
Huyen Nguyen (Utrecht University); Frank van Tubergen (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)); Valentina Di Stasio (Utrecht University)

Social class: an exploitation-based class scheme
Jaap Nieuwenhuis (University of Groningen); Agata Troost (University of Groningen); Jonathan Mijs (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Probing the causal pathways between police procedural justice and perceptions of police legitimacy using experimental vignettes
Amy Nivette (Utrecht University); Isabelle van der Vegt (Utrecht University)

Cognitive strengths and deficits in adverse conditions: A balanced view
Stefan Vermeent (Utrecht University); Nicole Walasek (Utrecht University); Willem Frankenhuis (University of Amsterdam). This project is extended with the grant for linking the LISS panel data to CBS microdata.

Does incongruence between civil servants’ and citizens’ socioeconomic status negatively affect how citizens relate to civil servants and local governments? A vignette survey experiment
Vivian Visser (Erasmus University Rotterdam); Willem de Koster (Erasmus University Rotterdam); Jeroen van der Waal (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

De reviewers in deze ronde waren: Weverthon Barbosa Machado (UU); Thomas Douenne (UvA); Erika van Elsas (RU); Katya Ivanova (TiU), Jochem Tolsma (RUG/RU).