ODISSEI Lunch Lecture: The robot or the brain? Building a classifier for visual news frames of Artificial Intelligence

On Tuesday 6 December between 12-13 hrs, dr. Irina Lock (University of Amsterdam) will give an online Lunch Lecture on the framing of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in online media images. We warmly invite you to attend this lecture, learn more about the framing of images related to Artificial Intelligence and how computational methods can be used to detect and classify frames in images.

CBS – ODISSEI Microdata Meeting – Energy Poverty in Figures

On 23 February, the next online Microdata Meeting will take place, with a presentation of Lydia Geijtenbeek (Statistics Netherlands) on ‘Energy Poverty in Figures’.
Statistics Netherlands has created a file that describes energy poverty in the Netherlands through 4 different indicators. During her presentation, Geijtenbeek will show how these data have been constructed, how they can be used for social research, and how the already available data can be used to estimate the current levels of energy poverty.