Grant application support

ODISSEI aims to equip social scientists with the access to the data, tools and expertise that allow researchers to push the boundaries of social scientific research. This support also extends to the application for highly competitive grants, be it for NWO or on the European level. Facilities that ODISSEI and its partners offer, can help elevate grant proposals and offer comparative advantage in the application process. Every few months, ODISSEI hosts online information sessions to expand on the help ODISSEI can offer researchers from membership organizations and to answer questions researchers might have. The last of these sessions took place on 9 May, 2023. You can find the recording below.

During the past years, ODISSEI’s support and resources were instrumental to establish my research line on organizational inequality using register data. The Microdata Access Discount (MAD) has been invaluable to sustaining my projects, but the knowledge and information I obtained via CBS-ODISSEI Microdata Meetings and consultation with data experts were equally important. In particular, ODISSEI’s expert advice on linking survey and register data and their willingness to cooperate in establishing a data infrastructure for inequality on the new ODISSEI Portal were helpful as they significantly contributed to a successful VIDI grant application in 2021. I am grateful for the invaluable support and looking forward to continuing our collaboration! – Dr. Zoltán Lippényi (Groningen University), who made use of ODISSEI support in his research and when writing his NWO VIDI application.

Expertise present in ODISSEI spans from data linkages, data management and supercomputing, to support in applying computational methods. We closely collaborate with many well-established institutions in the Netherlands, such as CBS, Centerdata (host of the LISS panel study) and SURF, all of which have dedicated expertise needed to successfully complete complex research projects. Potential applicants can also evoke support of the ODISSEI Social Data Science Team (SoDa), a team of computational social scientists, methodologists and research engineers, who can advise on the design of the proposed study but also prepare a technical proof of concept for the grant application. Facilities offered by ODISSEI are interoperable which offers a unique opportunity to expand the complexity of the research agenda. 

If you consider a grant application, please get in touch with us (preferably at the early stage of grant preparation) to discuss how ODISSEI can help!