Research Data Management Workshop available online

In June, DANS, CESSDA-ERIC and ODISSEI hosted a workshop for social scientists on Research Data Management (RDM) and responsible Open Science. It focused in particular on researchers working with quantitative data. The workshop aimed to provide them with insights on RDM and FAIR data, and to guide them in their own development of a Research Data Management plan. 

The two-day workshop consisted of presentations and practical break-out sessions. The slides and the recordings of the presentations are now published online (see below for an overview). 

Questions that were central to the course included: 

  • What are the benefits of documenting your research in a Data Management Plan?
  • How do you organise your data well?
  • How can you make your research reusable, even if you are working with sensitive data?

Monday 14th June 10:00-12:30 CEST

Thursday 17th June 10:00-12:30 CEST

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Photo by Arlington Research on Unsplash