ODISSEI Community Conference 2020


ODISSEI nodigt je met genoegen uit voor de digitale ODISSEI Community Conference 2020. De conferentie vindt online plaats op dinsdag 24 november vanaf 14:00 uur via het Veertly conferentieplatform. In de middag worden verschillende mogelijkheden die ODISSEI biedt getoond, onder meer door presentaties over projecten die ODISSEI mede mogelijk maakt. De conferentie sluit af met een paneldiscussie over de rol van data science en onderzoeksinfrastructuren tijdens de huidige COVID-19 pandemie. De voertaal van de middag is Engels.

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Full programme (in English):

13:30Digital conference environment open to attendees
14:00Pearl Dykstra (ODISSEI) – ODISSEI highlights for this year
14:10Keynote: Chantal Kemner (UU) – Beyond surveys – ODISSEI and the infra-challenges of the YOUth cohort
In this keynote, Chantal Kemner shares the experience of the YOUth cohort and the challenges it has faced. Three central issues are privacy protection, data quality and replicability, and combining and enriching data. This lecture will show how the YOUth cohort has dealt with these issues, and invites the question how ODISSEI can learn from this experience.
During all breaks, there are thematic rooms which you can join:
* Talk to Scientific Director Pearl Dykstra about the future of ODISSEI
* Ask questions about conducting research with the LISS panel to Marcel Das, CentERdata
* Talk about using CBS microdata with Ruurd Schoonhoven, CBS
* Ask your technical questions about using the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer to Maxime Moge, SURF
* Hear what the ODISSEI Social Data Science Team can do for your project from Daniel Oberski, UU
* Join our general coffee room or networking area for a chat with other conference participants
14:50ODISSEI Opportunities
This session focuses on ways in which researchers can use ODISSEI facilities.

Daniel Oberski (UU) – Computational research with the ODISSEI Social Data Science team
The ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team has been founded to support social scientists with the computational and statistical expertise needed to answer research questions using novel methods and data. Daniel Oberski will highlight what SoDa can do for you in all stages of your research, including data acquisition, data analysis, interpretation, and visualisation.

Jan van der Laan (CBS) – How to use the CBS Network file in microdata research projects
The CBS Network File maps the potential social networks of the Dutch population by combining pseudonymised information on potential connections people have with colleagues, neighbours, classmates, or family members. The CBS Network File is subject to strict privacy regulations and can only be analysed in the secure CBS Remote Access environment. Jan van der Laan will explain how the network was derived, what it looks like, and show ways in which you can incorporate the Network file in your OSSC project.
During the breaks, there are thematic rooms which you can join. See the first break for information about the rooms.
15:40Groundbreaking research with ODISSEI facilities
This session showcases research that has recently been conducted with the support of ODISSEI.

Mara A. Yerkes (UU) – Gender inequalities in times of the COVID-19 pandemic (LISS panel)

Mara A. Yerkes received an ODISSEI Corona LISS Grant in the spring. The grant enabled her team to swiftly collect high quality data using the LISS panel. In her presentation, Yerkes will share their research on how mothers and fathers differ in (their experience of) paid work, the division of care and household tasks, and quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trond Husby (PBL) – The long-term effects of national residential planning policy: the case of VINEX (OSSC)

Trond Husby has recently used the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer for his investigation of the long-term effects of national residential planning policy using CBS Microdata. Focusing on VINEX neighbourhoods, he will share some preliminary research results and discuss how the Secure Supercomputer was used in his project.
During the breaks, there are thematic rooms which you can join. See the first break for information about the rooms.
16:30Panel discussion on the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of research infrastructures and data science
How have social scientists responded to the challenges of the corona crisis? What is the role of research infrastructures in enabling rapid responses to urgent social issues, and what can be improved as we go forward? These questions will be central in the panel discussion that closes today’s programme. 

Panellists: Eva-Maria Merz (VU/Sanquin), Annette Scherpenzeel (CBS), Erik Stam (UU) and Robert Verheij (Nivel)
Moderated by Tom Emery (ODISSEI)
17:00Closing: Pearl Dykstra (ODISSEI)
After the closing of the programme, the digital conference environment will remain open for networking until 18:00 hours.
This conference will be chaired by Suze Zijlstra (ODISSEI)

Foto: MG Fotografie – Michel Groen