Op donderdag 29 april van 12:00 tot 13:00 presenteren prof. dr. Aat Liefbroer (NIDI) and Tim Hanson (City University London) de European Social Survey (ESS) en de methodologische en technische uitdagingen waar de ESS op het moment mee te maken heeft, zowel internationaal als in Nederland.
We nodigen je van harte uit om deze online lezing bij te wonen en meer over de ESS te weten te komen. Na de lezing is er ruimte voor vragen en discussie. Meer informatie over de ESS en de lezing hieronder (Engels).
De online registratie is gesloten, maar aanmelden is nog mogelijk via communications@odissei-data.nl.
The ESS is an academically driven cross-national survey that has been conducted across Europe since its establishment in 2001. Every two years, face-to-face interviews are conducted with newly selected, cross-sectional samples. The survey measures the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of diverse populations in more than thirty nations. The ESS is part of the ODISSEI observatory and ODISSEI will provide financing of fieldwork in the Netherlands from Round 11.
In the first half of the Lunch Lecture, Tim Hanson from the ESS Headquarters at City University London will present the latest developments in the ESS and how it is addressing the challenges posed by COVID-19 and experimenting with a transition to online data collection. In the second half, the Dutch National Coordinator Aat Liefbroer (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute) will present ESS-NL and specific challenges faced in the Netherlands as well as recent research findings from the ESS.
Over de ODISSEI Lunchlezingen
De ODISSEI Lunchlezingen richten zich op methodologische uitdagingen en innovatie in de sociale wetenschappen. De volgende lunchlezing is op 18 mei, waar Chang Sun haar project ‘From PDF to Knowledge Graph: parsing CBS metadata’ presenteert. Meer informatie en registratie.
Relevante links
- De website van de European Social Survey
- Meer informatie over het ODISSEI observatory
- prof. dr. Aat Liefbroer (NIDI)
- Tim Hanson (City University London)
Afbeelding door Mabel Amber from Pixabay