ODISSEI (Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations) bestaat uit vier geïntegreerde werkpakketten die worden gebruikt om de ontwikkeling van de computationele sociale wetenschappen in Nederland in de komende vijf jaar te versnellen:
- Data Facility – Toegang tot, koppeling aan en analyse van gevoelige gegevens op een veilige, beveiligde en ethische manier
- Observatory – Het onderhouden en optimaliseren van waardevolle, langdurige gegevensverzamelingen
- Laboratory – Het openen van nieuwe onderzoekspistes door gebruik te maken van innovatieve digitale technologieën
- Hub – Het verwerven van vaardigheden en benaderingen voor complexere en uitgebreidere modellering van sociale fenomenen
Samenvatting (Engels)
Currently, social scientists are too often constrained in the questions they can answer, not by the limitations of their thinking but by the fragmented data landscape that clusters disciplinary data in distinct silos, the lack of sustained and coordinated investment in longitudinal studies, and the under use of research opportunities offered by the digital age. For societies to gain resilience in the face of the enormous challenges they face, social scientists need linked data that bridge disciplinary fields, levels of analysis and historical time, and the tools, resources and expertise necessary to analyse them. To create a better society, there is a need for better social science, and this requires a better data infrastructure:
Better Infrastructure – Better Science – Better Society
From 2018-2020, the entire social science community in the Netherlands has united in an unprecedented level of financial, technical, and political support for a shared research infrastructure: ODISSEI. This momentum and initiative is now been supported, exploited, and extended, so that ODISSEI can facilitate a new generation of social science and avoid missing the research potential unleashed by the digital age. The Dutch social science community is committed to carrying ODISSEI into the future. This proposal seeks to transition ODISSEI from a fledgling collaboration into a truly national infrastructure that facilitates ground-breaking social science research at scale.
ODISSEI wordt gefinancierd door de contributie van deelnemende organisaties en een Roadmap-subsidie van NWO (May 2020).
De volgende 14 deelnemende organisaties voeren het project uit:
- CentERdata
- Data Archiving and Networked Setvices (DANS)
- Erasmus University Rotterdam, School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB)
- International Institute of Social History (IISH)
- Leiden University, Leiden Law School
- Maastricht University, Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE)
- Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC)
- Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)
- Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
- University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
- Utrecht University, Faculty of Social Sciences
- VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences
- VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Science