ODISSEI Lunchlezing: ODISSEI & Computational Social Science

Op donderdag 23 september van 12:00 tot 13:00 uur zal de eerste ODISSEI lunchlezing van dit academisch jaar online plaatsvinden. Dr. Tom Emery (ODISSEI en Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam) geeft een lezing over ontwikkelingen in de computationele sociale wetenschappen.

We nodigen je van harte uit om deze online lezing bij te wonen en meer te weten te komen over ODISSEI en computationele sociale wetenschappen. Na de lezing is er ruimte voor vragen en discussie. Meer informatie over de lezing hieronder (Engels).

Computational Social Science is often used as a buzzword rather than actually signifying a ‘new way’ of doing social science. This lunch lecture aims to cut through the hype to give a working definition of computational social sciences, an overview of recent developments in the field and how ODISSEI seeks to build on these developments. 

At the heart of Computational Social Sciences is the use of computationally intensive infrastructure, data and methods to better understand the complexity of social behaviour. This could include collecting data in more complex settings such as mass online experiments, linking multiple diverse data sources together to create high dimensional data, processing large amounts of unstructured data in order to find a signal in the noise, or innovations in the way researchers collaborate and conduct research. Examples demonstrating the new opportunities in computational social science will be discussed from across the globe and from various areas of social science.

There will be specific attention given to how, in the five years since its launch, ODISSEI has supported these developments in the unique context of the Dutch Data Landscape, and how it will look to do so over the next five years. 

Tom Emery is Deputy Director of ODISSEI and Associate Professor in the Department of Public Administration and Sociology of Erasmus University Rotterdam. He was previously the Deputy Director of the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute in The Hague. Emery gained a PhD in Social Policy from the University of Edinburgh in 2014 and his thesis examined the interaction between financial support between elderly parents and their adult children in a number of European countries. His research also covers questions of comparative survey methodology and policy measurements in multilevel contexts.

Over de ODISSEI Lunchlezingen

De ODISSEI Lunchlezingen richten zich op methodologische uitdagingen en innovatie in de sociale wetenschappen. De lunchlezing die op deze volgt vindt plaats op 26 oktober. Klik hier voor meer informatie.

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Foto door Chris Ried op Unsplash